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Basix Assessments and Certificates

From 1 July 2004, development applications and complying development certificates for new single dwellings lodged in Sydney must be accompanied by a BASIX Certificate confirming compliance with the Government’s sustainability targets for energy and water.

Basix Environmental Solutions offers a professional and friendly BASIX assessment service to prepare a BASIX certificate which meets compliance and gets your development application on track FAST.

We provide a one stop shop that aims to provide the best possible sustainable development outcomes within the constraints of the building layout.

Can't Comply?

With increasingly smaller lot sizes, larger homes, and complex site constraints, compliance with BASIX can be very challenging. Basix Environmental Solutions designs the optimum design solution to ensure compliance with BASIX by assessing several design options via the BASIX web tool, discussing these with the owner and architect/building designer & builder, and determining a design that maximises the opportunities on the site.

Sustainable development includes economic sustainability ie. - your wallet. Sometimes, design compromises will need to be made to comply with BASIX requirements. Basix Environmental Solutions provides a fast efficient service, and solutions that match your budget, maximises value for money, and ensure your development application runs smoothly.

Finally, we will carefully discuss the proposed BASIX commitments (outlined in the certificate) with the client and other stakeholders to ensure a clear understanding of the obligations and implications for the development process.

If this sounds daunting, then seek the solution -
Basix Environmetal Solutions.

Need a Solution?

What you need to provide

The information required to prepare a BASIX certificate is quite extensive. Much of it will appear on building plans and then other information will need to be discussed and confirmed with the client and their building professionals. The BASIX data checklist below outlines the required information and can be downloaded and opened with Adobe Acrobat.

(Click Here For Checklist.)

What is BASIX?(click here)

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