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Training for Local Government and Professionals

Is your organisation ready for BASIX? Basix Environmental Solutions offers targeted training tailored to meet the needs of your organisation and assist you to become conversant with the requirements and implications of this new system. Workshops are normally 2-3 hours in duration and can be held on your premises in order to minimise inconvenience to our clients.

Current Workshops Available

Introduction to Basix

This workshop provides a concise overview of the BASIX web tool, associated legislation and policy documents, and implications for development proponents. It examines the role of BASIX in the current development assessment process and provides a background to State Government Policy and the technical data behind the tool. Participants will gain a basic understanding of the requirements of BASIX, how it will operate and expected impacts on the community. This workshop runs between 1 and 2 hrs in accordance with the level of detail required by the client. It is ideal for introducing BASIX to an organisation.

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BASIX for architects/ building designers and the building industry

This workshop extends on the “Introduction to Basix” described above by concentrating on the critical design and construction issues affected by compliance with BASIX targets. Issues such as requirements for DA plans, rainwater tank design and location, impacts of different building design elements such as glazing, eaves, building materials etc are considered in more detail. The two different methods of achieving compliance with thermal comfort targets are compared and considered in light of the building design. This workshop is approximately 2 hours in duration.

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BASIX for Council Compliance staff

BASIX raises a variety of questions for Council compliance staff and there remains to be several uncertainties and ongoing amendments to relevant legislation as the new requirements are introduced.

This workshop is specifically tailored for Council staff involved in a development assessment and/or compliance role. After an overview of BASIX requirements and the functionality of the web tool, the presentation focuses on where BASIX fits into the current development assessment process and how to resolve the various assessment and compliance issues which will arise. What information is required on DA and marked on Plans ? How do we manage changes that may occur between DA and Occupancy certificate ? How do we ensure compliance with BASIX certificate commitments ? How do we safely manage greywater re-use systems?

Real examples of rainwater harvesting systems, greywater diversion systems and energy efficient installations will be examined to clarify the compliance obligations of Councils. This workshop is normally 3 hours in duration.

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Introduction to the Web Tool

This workshop is a hands on practical tutorial conducted on-line where participants are guided through the use of the web tool using actual building plans. An overview of the tool is provided and each module is manipulated so participants get a feeling for the water and energy compliance targets in the tool and explore the level of flexibility available.

Participants are required to prepare for the course by bringing along a simple residential building plan (detached dwelling or dual occupancy) and filling in a checklist of entry data required on the day. This workshop is 3 hours in duration and is held at the most convenient location to the client organisation.

Contact us to prepare a workshop tailored to your specific needs

Basix Solutions also offers independent facilitation services for community consultation exercises and workshops.

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