Water Sensitive Urban DesignWater Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is an approach that integrates stormwater management within the urban water cycle. Traditional water management separates the water cycle components of water supply, stormwater and wastewater, where as WSUD considers them as one system. Instead of creating water quality/quantity problems downstream of developments, a WSUD approach ensures that water is stored, reused and treated at source - delivering cost, environmental and social benefits. Some elements of a water sensitive approach include rainwater tanks for rain harvesting, porous paving instead of impermeable paving (which returns water to the ground and reduces runoff), grassed swales replacing kerb and gutter, bio-retention systems for infiltration and pollution reduction, vegetated filter strips to remove pollutants from overland flow, landscaping practices and more. There is an increasing requirement from Authorities across NSW and Australia for new development to incorporate Water Sensitive Urban Design principles in order to conserve water, improve water quality of our waterways, minimise minor flooding and retain ecological values of a site where possible. Not surprisingly, homes in WSUD Estates normally become more valuable and attractive than their conventional counterparts. Basix Environmental Solutions offers the following Water Sensitive Urban Design services:
Staff at Basix Environmental Solutions have worked extensively with Councils and industry throughout the State on a wide range of WSUD projects. If you are looking for a water sensitive solution, contact us today. |